At one point in my life, I must admit it, yes, I was a "Starbuck-ian"! I had to have my caramel frappuccino or an iced coffee black, a few times a week. Now, I no longer drink coffee (well very rarely --once every few months- if that). My morning drink of choice is now something lighter and more refreshing and I have not looked back! This amazing ritual that I've learned along the way stems from the practices of Ayuverda (the science of life). Drinking a glass of purified lukewarm water with lemon every morning is very beneficial. Just mix the juice and the pulp of the lemon with purified lukewarm water. Not only will this hydrate your body when you drink it first thing in the morning, there are many other benefits as well. What are these lemon water benefits you may ask? Well here are my...
Top 5 Benefits of Lemon Water:
1. Helps to flush out toxins from your liver
2. High in vitamin C to help with infections.
3. Also contains good amount of vitamin B, riboflavin and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium along with proteins and carbohydrates
4. Controls high blood pressure
5. Acts as a blood purifier
In addition, throughout the day, I drink water with a bit of lemon and/or a pinch of cayenne pepper. (See post on the Power of Lemons and the Power of Cayenne Pepper)
TIP: For those of you who are concerned with the effects to the enamel on your teeth, after you drink the lemon water, you can clean your teeth. Toothpaste is highly alkaline having a neutralizing effect on the acids in your mouth. The lemon is still acidic until you metabolize it, when it then has an alkaline effect on the body.
TIP 2: Lemon has tons of other benefits when applied topically as well. (See my post on the Power of Lemons)
ReplyDeleteYour blog is super helpful as I've recently decided to learn as much as I can about the Ayurvedic approach to skin and hair. I have a quick question for you...is there a book you could recommend to learning the basics? You give a bunch of info here that's very helpful but just wanted to dive deeper into the subject.
Thank you for sharing all of this info
@Chameleon Moon-- thanks so much. I am truly happy that this information was helpful! :) With regards to a book, I would recomment "The Complete Illustrated Guide to Ayurveda" as it's a catch all book that captures the basics of Ayurveda and how to maintain overall balance (mind, body and spirit) in your life. It's a good starter book. (If you want to focus on specifics, I can recommend some later.) You can find it Amazon here:
hope this helps!
Oh My where are my manners...Thank You, RoseofSharon. I am going out and purchasing tomorrow. I'll keep you posted with my results.
ReplyDeleteKeep Sharing!
no problem, you're welcome! :) .. yes, please keep me posted