The average American woman spends $350 a year (at minimum) on hair and make-up products. But what's the
real secret to gorgeous hair and healthy glowing skin? It's not what's in your make-up bag honey, its in your diet and what you eat!
Here are my top 5 SuperFoods for Gorgeous Hair and Healthy Glowing Skin:
1. Blueberries: Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and protect you from premature aging. My grandmother, age 83, has the most amazing wrinkle free skin and attributes that to her diet. Guess what? She eats blueberries just about everyday!
2. Salmon: Wild Salmon is rich in Omega 3's which keeps your skin moisturized from the inside out and supple to the touch. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish and fish oil is associated with providing nutrients and proteins to the hair follicles, which can support healthy hair growth, prevent hair loss and add shine and luster to hair. Salmon also contains the mineral selenium, which protects the skin from sun exposure. Also, the vitamin D in salmon keeps your bones and teeth strong and healthy. If you can't eat fish everyday, you can take fish oil supplements, but be sure to do your research as all fish oil pills are not created equal! I'll post on that soon! (NOTE: be sure its WILD salmon -NOT- FARM RAISED Salmon.)
3. Grapes: Grapes are another antioxidant rich fruit. The results of eating a handful of grapes a day or fresh pressed grape juice can result is supple, glowing skin, moisturized from within.
4. Watercress: Watercress contains minerals and vitamins including A, C, Iron, Zinc, Sulfur to help strong nails and healthy hair. Be mindful not to eat watercress in excess or if you are pregnant or have thyroid problems. When purchasing, opt for the ones from a local farmer or seller who keeps the roots in water until time of purchase.
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